Simple Tips To Improve Your Batting Skills In Cricket


Cricket sport is becoming faster by the day and the class of batting, bowling and fielding has massively improved. In cricket, batting, bowling, and fielding are the three most important things, and also batters, bowlers, and fielders are the nucleus of the game of cricket.

In cricket, batsmen play an important role in winning matches and scoring more runs for their team. But at the same time, it became difficult for a batsman to score good runs consistently for his team. The best batsmen are key to the victory as good batting enhances the number of runs scored effectively and prevents the loss of the wickets efficiently.

Batting technique is one of the central aspects of cricket and it normally refers to the stance of a batsman, his movements, and body execution of a cricket stroke. So, every batsman needs to improve their batting skills day by day. They should know the right techniques and batting drills to improve their batting cricket. In this blog, you will know about some batting technique tips to improve your batting skills in cricket.

List of how to improve your batting skills in cricket

Being a beginner batsman, he must have good wrist power, eye coordination, stamina, running speed, a judgment of speed, bat speed, and other knowledge and statistics of cricket. But, the below batting tips are intended for those who already play the game, not for beginners. If you want to improve your batting first you have to master your stance, batting grip, and swing, along with other basic cues to enhance your batting skills. But you have to start practicing cricket daily in-ground or in the nets. Therefore, this complete blog focus on how to optimize your current skills to become better at what you already do. Let’s look at how to improve your batting skills in cricket.

Take a comfortable stance and set up

The stance is very important in improving your batting cricket. It’s become very important how to stand on the crease to play every ball in the match. Batsman’s feet should be at a comfortable distance place it about shoulder-width and put a little bend in your knees so that you can get into a perfect position to play the shot and also better to run after hitting the ball.

Distribute your weight equally on both your legs and slightly toward the inside of your front and back feet to allow movement back or forward. Head and front shoulder pointing towards the bowler and the ball. If you are facing problems in transferring weight then it indicates you are playing in the wrong stance.

The important thing is that you choose a stance that offers maximum stability and leverage so you can hit with more force. If the bowler delivers a bouncer just in front of your feet, for instance, you’ll need to be ready to shift your weight and play a cut off your back foot.

Take a firm grip on the bat with both hands

In cricket, how you hold the bat is very important because the proper way of holding the bat will give you the freedom or confidence to score big runs. The wrong way of holding the bat can make you out on the very first ball.

Always hold your bat with both hands around the handle of the bat with your dominant hand. If you are a right-handed batsman, your left hand should hold the end of the bat facing the bowler and your right hand should be placed on top of your left hand and hold the bat with 2 fingers and your thumb, and vice versa for the left-handed batsman. For maximum control and precision, place your hands somewhere between the middle and top of the handle and keep them close enough together for the space between the thumb of your upper hand and the forefinger of your lower hand to form a ‘V shape’.

Keep your eye on the ball

Focus is the most difficult thing which can’t be learned in one day. To increase focus power, a batsman has to practice a lot. To become a successful batsman, you must keep your eyes on the ball as the bowler holds it in his hand and approaches the crease before delivering the ball. If you lose focus on the ball it may injure you in cricket, because the speed of the ball can be faster.

You must keep your head perfectly still. You can tap the bat rhythmically as it will help you concentrate. Watch the ball through the whole bowling motion, beginning with the approach, the gather, and the release. This way, you are looking for clues that will help predict where the ball is likely to land and what shot you can play.

Learn to predict the delivery

A batsman is looking to play every ball, but cannot expect a bowler a bowl six brilliant deliveries in an over. So, a batsman must watch the ball, will help you recognize what type of ball is going to be delivered, whether it is a good or bad ball. A batsman tries to read the bowler’s mind before he bowls to you.

A batsman can predict the delivery with a degree of accuracy as to the quality of the delivery you are likely to get. You cannot have 4-5 minutes to decide which shot you have to play on a particular delivery. You have 4-5 seconds to play decide and play-in match. Once you know what kind of ball is on its way, you know what to do to counter it. You can adjust your footwork and shoot accordingly. Have in mind that one mistake is all you can make as a batsman there is no comeback after you have made that mistake. So, just try to focus on the ball after its release from the bowler’s hand. Work on it you’ll improve your batting in cricket.

Keep your head in a good position

The position of the head is one of the important aspects of batting because the position of your head largely controls your balance at the crease. The head is should be tilted slightly forward. When you keep your head still, your control of the shot will improve. It helps you to score runs on every ball of the match.

If you lean your head too far across to the offside, you are likely to fall over and struggle to hit balls that are on your pads. If you lean your head back towards the leg side you will struggle to play accurate shots against deliveries that are outside your off stump. Taking all of this into account, the rule to remember is that whenever you’re batting you should be trying to get your head into line with and over the ball.

Steer with the front shoulder

When a batsman decides to hit the ball will be indicated by the way you move your front shoulder which helps steer the ball in the direction you choose. For instance, an open shoulder will facilitate a shot into the leg-side while a closed shoulder will be better suited to an offside stroke. When you play a stroke on the front foot, the front shoulder will take charge.

Practice your footwork against fast bowlers and spinners

Footwork is also important for a batsman because good foot movement helps you to closer the ball and gets your weight over it, making it a lot easier to control your shots. If you try to hit the ball without moving your feet, you could get found out. You would need to get in line with the ball before executing a shot. If you are watching the ball and know what you can expect to receive, your feet will move accordingly.

Especially against spin bowling, your ability to move your feet will be tested. Batsmen always aim to get fully forward on the front foot, or fully back into your crease. Getting fully forwards allows you to get to the pitch of the ball and hit it before it has the chance to spin. Getting right back into your crease gives you extra time to read how much the ball has spun off the surface and react to it. The decision on whether to come forwards or to retreat should be made based on the length of the ball.

When playing against fast bowlers, the general rule is that you should always be aiming to move your front foot towards the line of the ball. I like to tell players to try to get their front foot just inside the line of the ball so that they have space to bring the bat through and make contact. If you move your front foot directly into line with the ball, you will have to move the bat around your front leg/body to make contact with it. This is an incredibly awkward position for a batsman to get into.

Rotate the strike

Rotating the strike is a very important part of the two batsmen partnership. One of the best ways to frustrate a bowler and fielding teams is to continually rotate the strike between you and your batting partner. A batsman hit the ball tactfully and took singles whenever possible and get down to the other end.

Rotating the strike regularly, if the batting team has both a right-hander and a left-hander at the crease at the same time then it is frustrating for bowlers. Taking singles in this situation means that the bowler will have 1-2 balls at a left-hander, then 1-2 balls at a right-hander, and so on. This will force them to constantly change the angle of their deliveries, which is very hard to do for a lot of bowlers.

However, sometimes, a batsman may get bogged down for one of several reasons. It’s possible that a bowler is bowling exceptionally well and the batsman’s primary aim is not to lose his wicket.

Focus on your fitness

A batsman’s focus should not only game but also on your fitness to improve your cricket batting skills. For making a perfect shot, it is necessary to know all basic and advanced techniques and rules. To become a perfect batsman, it is required to do more practice to improve your game, but focusing on your fitness is also important as all the things.

Add simple workout routines to the training at an early stage you will get into habits and this is important as you get older. If you have access to a gym, you can use an exercise bike or treadmill or put in some time running outdoors to develop your cardiovascular capability. Many good batsmen have suffered from severe back injuries during their careers and anything that can aid in alleviating this is often helpful.


Finally, you have read how to improve your batting skills with this blog post. I hope that the above blog information will help you to improve your batting skills effectively. You should put all these above blog tips into action right away and become the best batsman.


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