WWE SmackDown Results – July 8, 2022


WWE SmackDown Results – July 8, 2022

Your announcers are Corey Graves and Michael Cole.

We take a look back at Austin Theory’s night at Money in the Bank.

Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring with The WWE Tag Team Champions, the Usos, and Paul Heyman.

Theory is on the stage with his briefcase and Roman does not realize it.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Roman stares at the upper deck and he gets the mic from Paul.

Roman wants Fort Worth to acknowledge him.

Roman says we have a few You Suck chants and some Roman chants. At the end of the day when the tribal chief is in the house, business picks up. That means life is good. Life is so damn good. I said this before and as long as God wakes me up, I can do anything. I got in my workout and got on the private jet to get here. I am happy to be here on my show. It is an absolute privilege and honor to see my Bloodline, my family. Then I see my Wise Man, my special counsel and he looks like this. What did you do to him? Why does he look so concerned and worried?

Roman tells Paul he shouldn’t be concerned. He done did it all. You should feel very confident. What is the problem? Do we have a problem? Roman tells Paul to put his hand out and he comments on how nervous Paul is.

Paul’s hand shakes and Roman gives Paul the mic to tell what is wrong with him.

Paul says he loves his Tribal Chief and he loves the Usos. Paul says we have a problem and that problem is Brock Lesnar. Paul says that Roman is the G.O.A.T. in an era when no one can hold on to a championship, you hold on to both championships. Six hundred plus days heading into a Thousand day reign, the longest in 35 years. The problem is that Brock Lesnar doesn’t respect that. He has one last chance against Roman Reigns. He has one last match against Roman Reigns. When Brock is cornered, that is when he is at his most dangerous. Who was 24 and not supposed to beat the Rock? Brock Lesnar. Who went up against the 21-0 Undertaker and broke the streak? Brock Lesnar. Whose back is against the wall in a do or die situation and becomes a footnote in the chronicles of the Tribal Chief or who ends this all? Brock Lesnar.

Paul says he is scared. We are going to have to see Roman go savage and go violent. He has to smash Brock. To pin him for 3 seconds is one thing, but to put him down for 10 seconds in a Last Man Standing is another. This has to be the most dominant performance by Roman Reigns.

Theory’s music plays and he jogs to and around the ring, but he has no referee with him and Theory jogs back up the aisle to the stage.

We take a look at the Viking Raiders.

Match Number One: Erik and Ivar versus Jinder Mahal and Shanky

Shanky and Ivar start things off but Jinder tags himself in. Ivar with forearms in the corner and Erik tags in and they both punch Jinder. Erik with an arm bar. Shanky leaves the apron to dance on the floor. Jinder with a thrust kick and Shanky is not in position to make the tag. Erik with a shoulder tackle to Jinder and Ivar tags in. They hit a double choke slam for the three count.

Winners: Erik and Ivar

After the match, Erik and Ivar attack Jinder and then they go after Shanky.

The New Day make their way to the stage.

Kofi tells the Viking Raider, he will be honest. Last week, y’all kicked their butts. They did the same the week before. Kofi and Xavier show their butts and Kofi says their butts are still here. Y’all didn’t do your job. Woods says those beat downs were not sanctioned so they don’t count. Woods says since you cannot read, Woods shows officially sanctioned ass beating tickets. Kofi says it is time for them to give them the whooping they deserve.

All four men brawl and Kofi is sent to the mat. Erik with a knee to Xavier. Ivar with a seated splash to Woods. Ivar goes to the turnbuckles and Erik passes Woods to Ivar for a power slam off the turnbuckles.

Michael shows us what happened after Money in the Bank when Baron Corbin attacked Pat McAfee and that is why he is not on Smackdown tonight (but he was able to go to UFC after the attack).

Baron Corbin joins Michael and Corey on commentary and he says that he will do things better than Pat. Michael says that Pat is not cleared to appear and is playing golf. Corey says that Pat isn’t here in case Baron shows up.

Ludwig Kaiser and Intercontinental Champion Gunther make their way to the ring for an Open Challenge.

Kaiser says there is no competitor worthy of stepping in the ring, much less compete with your Intercontinental Champion. None of you are worthy of seeing the RING GENERAL compete tonight. However, he knows it is customary for Intercontinental Champions of less ilk to defend this championship against anyone in an open challenge.

Gunther says anyone who fights an opponent you don’t know is a fool. Somebody has to deserve the opportunity to compete with him for the championship.

Kaiser says they are being honest.

Shinsuke Nakamura’s music plays and Corbin and Corey go full McAfee on the announce table as Nakamura goes to the ring.

Nakamura takes the mic and he he says that Gunther doesn’t want to accept him. You keep your title for now, what about Kaiser? I challenge you a match right now.

Match Number Two: Ludwig Kaiser (with Gunther) versus Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura with knees to the midsection and Kaiser gets his feet up but Nakamura puts Kaiser in the ropes and hits a sliding German suplex. Kaiser hits Nakamura from behind and Nakamura hangs in the ropes and Kaiser with a drop kick to send Nakamura to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kaiser wtih an arm bar but Nakamura with punches. Nakamura with a jumping side kick. Nakamura with kicks to Kaiser. Kaiser blocks a kick but Nakamura wtih a heel kick. Nakamura chokes Kaiser in the corner. Nakamura puts Kaiser on the turnbuckles and Nakamura with a running knee for a near fall. Nakamura gets a boot up and Kaiser blocks it and hits an enzuigiri in the corner. Kaiser misses a kick and Nakamura with a spinning heel kick. Nakamura with Kinshasa for the three count.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Gunther yells at Kaiser for his performance. He tells Kaiser to stand up. Gunther chops Kaiser for his performance and embarassing him. Gunther with another chop. Gunther tells Kaiser to get back to his feet and Gunther with a third chop and Kaiser is down.

We take a look at Liv Morgan’s night at Money in the Bank.

Smackdown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan makes her way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole is in the ring with Liv Morgan.

Michael congratulates Liv and the crowd chants ‘You Deserve It’. Michael recounts what happened to Liv on Saturday. Michael mentions that Ronda had a knee injury against Natalya and then Liv cashed in. Maybe Ronda wants a rematch.

Liv tells Ronda to bring it. She says she can’t wait because this title is a culmination of a lifetime of hard work, sweat, and tears. I know what it took to get here and I will work ten times harder to stay here. No one wants this championship more than me.

Michael mentions how Liv was a waitress ten years ago to save money to train. Every time you almost got there, you had it pulled away from you. You wear your heart on your sleeve and you have had so many setbacks. What does it mean to be Smackdown Women’s Champion.

Liv says this means everything to her. She dreamed about this her whole entire life. Sometimes I thought maybe I would never get here, but here I am. Liv says this is a little reminder to never give up.

Natalya interrupts.and she says she can dream too of when you are going to shut up. The only reason you are Smackdown champion is because of her. Your Cinderella story ends at SummerSlam. You never would have beaten Ronda fresh and I injured her. I loved watching Ronda scream in pain and while I may have lost the match, I loved the hell out of it.

Ronda Rousey’s music plays and she gingerly makes her way to the ring.

Ronda congratulates Liv for seizing the moment at Money in the Bank. Savor this honeymoon phase because you will find out that challenging for the title is so much easier than defending it. Ronda says she is not dressed to compete, but she asks the people if she wants to beat up Natalya.

Natalya attacks Ronda but Liv sends Natalya to the floor.

Ronda gets back in the ring with Liv and we go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Ronda Rousey versus Natalya

They lock up and Ronda with kicks to the leg. Ronda puts Natalya’s leg in the ropes and the referee counts to force Ronda to stop. Ronda with a kick to the leg. Natalya goes to the floor and Ronda follows. Natalya gets back into the ring and Ronda slams the knee into the apron. Natalya rolls to the floor. Natalya goes up the ramp and limps to the back. Ronda kicks Natalya in the back of the leg and Ronda wtih punches. Ronda gets Natalya up and drops Natalya on the apron. Ronda with an ankle lock on the apron and Ronda releases the hold before the five count. Ronda with an ankle lock and Ronda turns into a power slam. Ronda returns to the ankle lock and she grapevines the leg.

Natalya taps out.

Winner: Ronda Rousey

Megan Morant is in the back and she is with Drew McIntyre. She asks Drew about his match to get a title match in Wales and what he is going to do.

Drew says he has been to the UK and he says Clash at the Castle is going to be huge. He said he is coming after the champion after SummerSlam. It could be Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, or Theory. His attention tonight is on Sheamus. They first met when he was 19 and the stakes have never been higher. Drew says he knows the other two will try to attack him if they get a chance. Drew says he has the deadliest three and that is the countdown for the Claymore.

The stage is being set up for the Maximum Male Models to amaze with their Tennis Collection.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Max Dupri is in the ring and he says last week’s debut of Maximum Male Models was not just a success, it was a viral sensation. Tonight, we present the 2022 Tennis Collection.

Out first Ma.Ce. Out next is Man.soor.

Max says if you feel you have what it takes to strut down the aisle like them, you can send your photos for consideration. If you do not have the natural qualities of Ma.Ce or Man.Soor, don’t bother.

Corey asks Cole if his juices are titillated after that segment.

Kayla Braxton is in the back with Theory and she asks what message was he trying to tell.

Theory says he wanted to make sure that Roman knows he was watching. He wants to cash in against Brock for what he did but he would love to cash in on Roman because of his arrogance tonight. Theory says he will become a two time United States Champion after beating Bobby Lashley. Whoever survives the Last Man Standing match, they better be ready for a cash in. Theory says Roman is screwed because either Brock beats him or I beat him. The same goes for Roman Reigns.

Riddick Moss shows up and he says he would love to try to shove that briefcase in Theory’s mouth.

Match Number Four: Aliyah and Lacey Evans versus Shayna Baszler and Shotzi

Aliyah is in the ring and Lacey makes her way out but the crowd does not care so she goes to the back. She comes out a second time with a similar response so she goes to the back again and then she comes out a third time to some boos.

Lacey asks for a mic and she says she wanted to take a minute to say how completely disgusted she is at the response that she got. That is the reaction that she gets. Don’t you know who she is? Don’t you know what she has been through? Of course you do because I poured my heart out on live TV so I could help all of you. For that reaction? It kills you to see a woman like her because it kills you. You know you cannot be half the woman that she is. The truth hurts. When I get in the ring, I get a standing ovation. Lacey says she is an American hero and she sacrificed for you. Until I get the respect I know I deserve, as far as I am concerned, all of you can go to hell.

Lacey punches Aliyah.

Match Number Four: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso versus Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza in a Non Title Match

The match is joined in progress and Jimmy with a back drop to Humberto but Humberto lands on his feet. Angel tags in and he sends Jey to the apron. Angel kicks Jey off the apron and then Humberto and Angel tease a dive to the floor but the Usos move. They go back and forth between the ring and floor. Angel with a kick and the pants come off. Humberto with an arm drag to Jimmy followed by chops. Jey tags in and they hit a pop up Samoan drop followed by a kick for a near fall. Angel knocks Jimmy off the apron with a super kick. Jimmy with a super kick to Angel. Jey with a super kick to Humberto and Jimmy tags in and they hit the 1D for the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

After the match, Kayla is in the ring with Jimmy and Jey and she brings up what happened on the three count during the tag title match at Money in the Bank. We see Ford’s shoulder up on the three count.

Kayla brings up that the Usos cheated to win. Jey asks if the undisputed champions need to cheat. Jimmy says pinning the Street Profits must mean that they cheated.

Kayla mentions that there might be a special guest referee during their match at SummerSlam.

Jimmy and Jey don’t care as long as the referee can count to three.

We are back and next week, Natalya faces Liv in a Non Title Match. Riddick Moss faces Theory.

Match Number Five: Drew McIntyre versus Butch (with Ridge Holland and Sheamus) in a Number One Contender Match for Clash at the Castle

Before the match, Sheamus tells Ridge and Butch to hold their horses. It is them and it is for the big one for a title match at Clash at the Castle. I have your number. Sheamus has something in his throat and he starts to cough. Sheamus says he hopes he doesn’t have a case of the COVID. He says he cannot compete until he gets tested. He says he has a back up plan. Butch is foaming at the mouth to get his teets on you. We will be at ringside in case you miss us.

Butch with punches and Drew with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Butch goes to the turnbuckles and connects with a knee to the head. Butch with a double wrist lock and body scissors. Drew with a head butt to Butch and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Drew sets for the Claymore but Ridge gets on the apron and Drew takes care of him. Butch comes off the turnbuckles but misses Drew. Drew with a neck breaker and then he hits a Claymore for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Holland attacks Drew and Drew with a Future Shock DDT.

Sheamus gets on the apron and Drew has his sword with him. Drew starts to swing the sword but Sheamus gets off the apron and Drew cuts the top rope and the pyro goes off on the turnbuckles.

Credit: Richard Trionfo of PWInsider.com


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