WWE on A&E block ratings for week 8


Week eight of WWE on A&E had the Biography of Rey Mysterio, Rivals featured Rey vs Eddie Guerrero, and Smack Talk rounded up the night.

Biography: Rey Mysterio drew 444,000 viewers, down 9,000 viewers from the previous episode featuring Edge. It did a 0.12 in the 18-49 demo, up 0.01 from last week and placed #33 on the cart.

Rivals with Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero had 316,000 viewers, up 12,000 viewers from the Edge vs Cena episode. It did a 0.09 rating in 18-49, up 0.01 and was #54 on the chart.

Smack Talk at 11PM did 179,000 viewers, up 35,000 viewers from the prior episode and a 0.05 rating in 18-49, up 0.01. It placed #103 on the chart. (Ratings credit: Showbuzzdaily.com)


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