[ad_1] Varun Sood shared this image on his Instagram story. New Delhi: Karmma Calling co-stars Varun Sood and Namrata Sheth are rumoured to be dating and their recent Instagram exchange fuelled the relationship rumours. On Monday (March 11), Namrata Sheth…
[ad_1] Divya Agarwal shared this image. (courtesy: divyaagarwal_official) New Delhi: TV stars Varun Sood and Divya Agarwal, almost a year after their break up, are trending once again. It all started after Varun Sood’s sister Akshita Sood alleged that Divya…
[ad_1] Varun Sood shared this image. (courtesy: varunsood12) New Delhi: TV star Varun Sood recently did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Twitter and his Twitterfam took it literally. Among the many questions, one question was about the actor’s…