Professional Wrestler Mug Shots –


When a pro wrestler breaks the rules inside the ring, they are given a five-count to correct their behavior. In real life, when they break (or in some of these cases allegedly break) the rules of society, they get arrested. This page contains some of the mug shots that professional wrestlers (and ex-professional wrestlers) have posed for.

Velveteen Dream

 Velveteen Dream mug shot

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy mug shot


Kaitlyn mug shot

Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash mug shot

Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle mug shot

Lex Luger

Lex Luger mug shot
Lex Luger mug shot
Lex Luger mug shot

Missy Hyatt

Missy Hyatt mug shot

Rich Swann

Rich Swann mug shot


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