IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/9/23


IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/9/23
Oscela Heritage Park
Kissimmee, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team (Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Brian Myers vs. Dirty Dango In A No Surrender Qualifying Match 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dango backs Myers into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Myers applies a side headlock. Dango whips Myers across the ring. Myers drops Dango with a shoulder tackle. Dango drops down on the canvas. Dango leapfrogs over Myers. Dango with Two Arm-Drags. Dango drops his knee on the left shoulder of Myers. Dango with a Hammerlock Suplex for a two count. Dango applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Dango grabs a side wrist lock. Myers with a straight right hand. Dango blocks The Sunset Flip. Dango with a Leg Drop for a two count. Dango punches Myers. Myers drives Dango chest first into the ring apron. Myers sends Dango shoulder first into the steel ring post. Myers is raining down haymakers. Myers stomps on Dango’s chest. Myers poses for the crowd.

Myers with a hammer elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Myers applies a rear chin lock. Dango is throwing haymakers at Myers. Myers sweeps out the legs of Dango. Myers stomps on the midsection of Dango. Myers with a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Myers punches Dango in the back. Dango fights from underneath. Myers drops Dango with The DDT for a two count. Myers applies a side headlock. Myers whips Dango across the ring. Dango ducks under two clotheslines from Myers. Meeting Of The Minds. Dango unloads three knife edge chops. Dango with Two Running Uppercuts. Dango with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Dango follows that with The Dirt Bag Shuffle. Dango kicks Myers in the gut. Dango hits The Falcon Arrow for a two count. Dango with a flying double axe handle strike. Dango gets caught up in the ring skirt. Myers delivers The Roster Cut on the floor. Myers rolls Dango back into the ring. Myers connects with another Roster Cut to pickup the victory.

Winner: Brian Myers via Pinfall 

Second Match: Mickie James & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Good Hands  

Mickie James and Jason Hotch will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Mickie with a deep arm-drag. Mickie grabs a side wrist lock. Mickie tags in Dreamer. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown. Double Elbow Drop. Dreamer tags in Mickie. Mickie with a flying double axe handle strike. Mickie applies a wrist lock. Hotch drives his knee into the midsection of Mickie. Hotch tags in Skyler. Mickie with a deep arm-drag. Mickie tags in Dreamer. Dreamer with an arm-ringer. Dreamer whips Skyler across the ring. Drop Toe Hold/Elbow Drop Combination. Dreamer dumps Skyler out of the ring. Dreamer sends Hotch crashing into Skyler. Dreamer with a flying double clothesline off the ring apron. Mickie delivers with a Flying Crossbody Block to the outside. Dreamer rolls Skyler back into the ring. Dreamer blocks a boot from Skyler. Dreamer kicks the right hamstring of Skyler. Dreamer with a single leg takedown. Dreamer applies The Texas Cloverleaf.

Hotch attacks Dreamer behind the referee’s back. Skyler tags in Hotch. Double Irish Whip. Double Gut Punch. Double Side Russian Leg Sweep. Double Elbow Drop. Hotch with a Running Uppercut. Skyler with a Running Hip Attack. Skyler mocks Dreamer. Dreamer hits The Spicoli Driver. Skyler tags in Hotch. Dreamer uses his feet to create separation. Dreamer tags in Mickie. Mickie ducks a clothesline from Hotch. Mickie with three clotheslines. Hotch sends Mickie to the corner. Mickie decks Hotch with a back elbow smash. Mickie kicks Hotch in the face. Mickie with a Headscissors Takeover. Mickie with a Flapjack. Mickie follows that with The Flying Lou Thez Press for a two count. Skyler tugs on Mickie’s hair. Mickie delivers The Mick Kick. Mickie connects with The Mick’DT to pickup the victory. After the match, Bully Ray attacks Dreamer from behind. Bully begs Mickie to hit him. Masha Slamovich clocks Mickie with The Spinning Back Fist. Slamovich plants Mickie with The Snow Plow.

Winner: Mickie James & Tommy Dreamer via Pinfall 

Third Match: Jordynne Grace vs. Steph De Lander 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Lander backs Grace into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Lander kicks Grace in the gut. Grace kicks Lander in the face. Grace dives over Lander. Grace chops Lander. Lander reverses out of the irish whip from Grace. Grace buries her shoulder into the midsection of Lander. Grace with a forearm smash. Grace kicks Lander out of the ring. Grace with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Lander sweeps out the legs of Grace. Lander with The Big Boot for a one count. Lander slams Grace’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Lander with clubbing shoulder blocks. Lander sends Grace to the corner. Lander levels Grace with The Body Avalanche for a one count. Lander talks smack to Grace. Lander toys around with Grace.

Grace chops Lander. Lander answers with a toe kick. Lander punches Grace in the back. Lander applies a rear chin lock. Following a snap mare takeover, Lander with a basement uppercut for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Lander with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Grace rises back on her feet. Grace ducks under three clotheslines from Lander. Grace is lighting up Lander’s chest. Grace with forearm shivers. Grace fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Grace with a Spinning Back Fist. Grace with The Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Lander denies The Grace Driver. Grace sends Lander face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Lander decks Grace with a back elbow smash. Lander catches Grace in mid-air. Lander delivers The Snake Eyes. Lander with The Big Boot for a two count. Lander goes for a PowerBomb, but Grace counters with a Back Body Drop. Grace blocks a lariat from Lander. Grace connects with The Grace Diver to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jordynne Grace via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: The Death Dollz w/Jessica Havok vs. Killer Kelly & Taylor Wilde 

Taya Valkyrie and Killer Kelly will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Valkyrie applies a wait lock. Kelly with a back elbow smash. Valkyrie kicks Kelly in the face. Valkyrie ducks a clothesline from Kelly. Valkyrie sends Kelly to the corner. Kelly thrust kicks the midsection of Valkyrie. Kelly takes a swipe at Rosemary. Valkyrie with a corner clothesline. Valkyrie slaps Kelly in the chest. Valkyrie kicks Kelly in the back. Valkyrie tags in Rosemary. Valkyrie with The Sliding German Suplex. Rosemary hooks both legs for a two count. Rosemary transitions into a ground and pound attack. Rosemary slams Kelly’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Rosemary with a Corner Splash. Rosemary with The Exploder Suplex. Kelly side steps Rosemary into the turnbuckles. Rosemary decks Kelly with a back elbow smash. Rosemary applies The Upside Down. Wilde tags herself in. Rosemary side steps Wilde into the turnbuckles. Rosemary with a flying forearm smash. Rosemary tees off on Wilde. Wilde reverses out of the irish whip from Rosemary. Rosemary with a back elbow smash to Kelly. Rosemary kicks Wilde in the face. Wilde with a BackBreaker. Wilde poses for the crowd. Wilde wraps her legs around the neck of Rosemary. Wilde tags in Kelly. Kelly with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Kelly with The Fisherman’s Buster for a two count.

Kelly applies a front face lock. Kelly with forearm shivers. Kelly tags in Wilde. Wilde drives her knee into the midsection of Rosemary. Wilde with forearm shivers. Wilde slaps Rosemary in the chest. Wilde whips Rosemary across the ring. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Valkyrie and Kelly are tagged in. Valkyrie ducks a clothesline from Kelly. Valkyrie thrust kicks the midsection of Kelly. Valkyrie with a knee lift. Valkyrie teep kicks Kelly. Valkyrie with a Falling Lariat. Valkyrie whips Kelly across the ring. Valkyrie hits The Blue Thunder Bomb. Kelly denies The Road To Valhalla. Kelly with another back elbow. Kelly sweeps out the legs of Valkyrie. Kelly blasts Valkyrie with The PK. Kelly knocks Rosemary off the ring apron. Wilde starts ignoring Kelly. Wilde throws a tarot card at Kelly. Death Dollz connects with The Assisted Road To Valhalla to pickup the victory. After the match, Father James Mitchell appears on the stage to play mind games with Rosemary. The Hex viciously lays out The Death Dollz.

Winner: The Death Dollz via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: PCO vs. Mahabali Shera w/Raj Singh In A No Surrender Qualifying Match 

PCO with two toe kicks. PCO with clubbing blows to Shera’s back. PCO is tees of Shera. PCO with heavy bodyshots. PCO whips Shera across the ring. PCO with a throat punch. PCO dumps Shera out of the ring. PCO with a Flying Cannonball Senton through the ropes. PCO starts choking Singh at ringside. PCO grabs Shera by his throat. The referee is losing control of this match.

Shera sends PCO back first into the ring apron. Shera rolls PCO back into the ring. Shera with a Corner Spear. Shera with a Vertical Suplex. PCO is busted open. PCO sits up. PCO blocks The Chokeslam. PCO applies the greco roman throat hold in the corner. Shera HeadButts PCO. Shera with a knee lift. PCO clotheslines Shera. PCO hits The Reverse DDT. PCO connects with The MoonSault to pickup the victory.

Winner: PCO via Pinfall 

Sixth Match: Joe Hendry (c) vs. Matt Cardona For The IMPACT Digital Media Championship 

Cardona starts things off with The Radio Silence for a two count. Cardona transitions into a ground and pound attack. Cardona with a falling haymaker. Hendry sends Cardona crashing to the outside. Hendry with a Lariat. Hendry slams Cardona’s head on the ring pron. Hendry with a knife edge chop. Hendry rolls Cardona back into the ring. Cardona kicks the middle rope into the nether regions of Hendry. Cardona kicks Hendry in the face. Cardona pie faces Hendry. Hendry reverses out of the irish whip from Cardona. Cardona dives over Hendry. Hendry catches Cardona in mid-air. Hendry with a Spinning Bodyslam. Hendry with The Delayed Vertical Suplex for a two count. Cardona regroups on the outside. Cardona sweeps out the legs of Hendry. Cardona with a NeckBreaker on the floor. Cardona has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Cardona repeatedly stomps on Hendry’s chest. Cardona is choking Hendry with his knee. Cardona kicks Hendry in the face. Cardona with The Rude Awakening for a two count. Cardona with clubbing crossfaces. Cardona follows that with a sharp knee strike. Cardona uses the bottom rope to choke Hendry. Cardona with a short-arm clothesline. Cardona with a Leg Drop for a two count. Cardona rakes the eyes of Hendry. Cardona with an elbow smash. Cardona toys around with Hendry. Hendry nails Cardona with The Pump Kick. Hendry goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Cardona counters with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Cardona applies the cravate. Cardona transitions into a rear chin lock. Cardona drives his knee into the midsection of Hendry. Cardona applies The Guillotine Choke. Hendry breaks free with a Vertical Suplex. Forearm/Uppercut Exchange.

Cardona with a thumb to the eye. Hendry with two clotheslines. Hendry whips Cardona across the ring. Hendry catches Cardona in mid-air. Hendry with The Fallaway Slam for a two count. Cardona uses the referee as a shield. Cardona kicks the left knee of Hendry. Cardona drops Hendry with The DDT. Cardona delivers The Reboot for a two count. Hendry blocks The Reboot. Hendry sends Cardona face first into the canvas. Hendry with The Trust Fall for a two count. Hendry with a corner clothesline. Hendry follows that with a Running Cutter for a two count. Cardona clings onto the top rope. Cardona decks Hendry with a back elbow smash. Cardona hits The Radio Silence for a two count. Cardona goes for The Super Radio Silence, but Hendry counters with a PowerBomb for a two count. Brian Myers slides the Digital Media Title into the ring. Myers inadvertently clocks Cardona with The Roster Cut. Hendry launches Myers over the top rope. Hendry connects with The Standing Ovation to pickup the victory. After the match, Moose Spears Cardona. Hendry sends Moose tumbling to the floor. Hendry plays The Edge’s Bitch song to close the show.

Winner: Still IMPACT Digital Media Champion, Joe Hendry via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 347 of The Hoots Podcast 


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