Good For Them! WWE Personality Announces His Wife Is Expecting First Child
That’s pretty awesome. There are all kinds of people in the wrestling world and all of them have lives going on outside of the ring that we rarely see. They have the same kind of lives that we do, including some things that can be rather positive to hear. Now another WWE personality has some more great news and is sharing his family’s announcement with the world.
WWE broadcaster Pat McAfee and his wife Samantha have announced that they are expecting their first child in may. Samantha revealed that she has lost two pregnancies in the past and this one was conceived via IVF. Pat thanked everyone who has helped them through the rough times to get to this point, including friends and family. Pat is currently on hiatus from his job as SmackDown commentator and is expected back after college football season ends.
Opinion: That is some of the best news that you can hear at any given time and it is awesome that the McAfees are able to tell the world about it. Pat is an awesome color commentator and has added some great thing to WWE, but this is far more important than anything he will be doing on WWE or any other show he is part of anywhere. Good for them and hopefully everything goes perfectly.
What do you think of McAfee? What should he do when he returns to WWE? Let us know in the comments below.
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