Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” episode 11 results: Vetter’s review of Dak Draper vs. Xavier Walker in a street fight, and Kody Lane vs. Luke Kurtis


By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Glory Pro Wrestling “Ascend” (episode 11)
Premiered November 16, 2023 via
Taped October 25, 2023 in Collinsville, Illinois at The Gateway Center

This is the third episode from this particular taping. Reed Duffy provided commentary.

* The show opens with Xavier Walker pulling his car up to the building. He’s in a street fight against Dak Draper in the main event!

1. Kody Lane defeated Luke Kurtis at 8:07. This is Kurtis’ Glory Pro debut; he has a decent physique with a tattoo on his chest and the sides of his head are shaved; I’ll compare him to Anthony Henry. I always compare Kody Lane to Juice Robinson with his wild, untamed hair and beard. Kurtis attacked from behind to start the match. Kurtis dominated early and they brawled to the floor. Kody got back into the ring at 4:00 just before being counted out. Kody hit a slingshot legdrop for a nearfall and he was fired up.

Kurtis nailed a running knee for a nearfall at 6:30. He missed a top-rope diving headbutt and the crowd rallied for Lane. Lane missed a springboard moonsault. They traded rollups, and Lane got a piledriver out of nowhere for the pin. Good match and a nice debut for Kurtis. The outcome was never in doubt, though, as Lane is among this promotion’s top stars.

* Backstage, Xavier Walker was taping up his wrists and preparing for the street fiht.

* A video package aired showing highlights of the Jake Something-Warhorse steel cage match.

2. Xavier Walker defeated Dak Draper in a street fight at 15:07. Both men wore blue jeans, which I’m a big fan of for street fights. Former ROH wrestler/current NWA wrestler Dak is a legit 6’4″ so Xavier is thus a legit 6’6″ or so, and Dak comes out to a Nickelback ballad. Funny in the crowd reaction. Xavier (think the under-used EJ Nduka) attacked from behind, and they brawled to the floor. Xavier hit him over the back with a steel garbage can. In the ring, Dak hit him across the back with a steel chair at 3:30, and he shoved the chair into Xavier’s throat.

Lots of basic brawling. Dak placed Xavier in a chair and hit some chops at 7:30. Xavier hit him in the face with a garbage can lid. He charged at Dak, but Dak moved and Xavier crashed into a steel chair wedged in the corner at 9:00. Dak nailed a Dr. Bomb/gutwrench powerbomb across two open chairs for a believable nearfall. Xavier hit a low blow kick! Xavier removed his belt and whipped Dak across his back three times, then he choked Dak with it. They went to the floor, where Xavier hit another garbage can lid shot to the head at 11:30. He chokeslammed Dak onto the ring apron.

In the ring, Xavier climbed the ropes, but Dak hit a low blow, then he hit a second-rope back suplex, sending them both crashing through a table in the ring for a nearfall at 14:00. Dak was bleeding on his right shoulder; this was a good-sized cut. Dak he got a chair. However, Xavier took the chain off from around his neck and he struck Dak in the face with it for the pin. “Walker has slayed this dragon!” Reed Duffy said.

Final Thoughts: An entertaining two-match show. Duffy is solid on commentary and I can’t stress enough the challenge of doing it solo. Same comment as last week — I would prefer the lights on entirely rather than lights low, as it isn’t easy to see when they brawled to the floor. My other complaint from last week that no matches were announced for next week’s show. They were really good about that from the first two tapings.

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