Details On The Backstage Reception To CM Punk At WWE Raw


CM Punk made his first appearance on WWE Monday Night Raw since 2014, he delivered a promo after returning to WWE at Saturday’s Survivor Series premium live event. 

As previously reported, the main event talent was informed before the Men’s WarGames bout, and while some were upset, others were excited, curious, and emotional. 

In his Raw promo, Punk stated that his reception backstage was “all love” and that “everybody back there is happy to see me.” 

According to a report by PWTorch, Punk tried to approach everybody and was “very nice,” and “humble,” and “in a good mood.” 

One wrestler noted that Punk seemed humble, and another said he “seemed pretty positive all around, but we’ll see in a couple of months if it sticks.” However, when asked if people were skeptical of Punk’s approach, it was estimated that about half of the wrestlers were unsure if it was sustainable.


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