WWE RAW Results – Dec. 19, 2022 – Becky Lynch vs. Bayley – TPWW


Results by Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

December 19, 2022
Des Moines, IA – Wells Fargo Arena
Commentary: Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves

Quick Match Results

  1. The Street Profits defeated Judgement Day via Roll-up (pinfall)
  2. Rhea Ripley defeated Akira Tozawa via Riptide (pinfall)
  3. The Good Brothers defeated Alpha Academy via Magic Killer (pinfall)
  4. Winner Takes All Ladder match – The Miz defeated Dexter Lumis
  5. Sami Zayn defeated AJ Styles via Blue Thunder Bomb (pinfall)
  6. Bayley defeated Becky Lynch via Roseplant (pinfall)
  7. Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins defeated The Usos via Pop-up Powerbomb (pinfall)

Backstage: Paul Heyman, Roman Reigns

The show opens with a shot of Paul Heyman holding the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. Heyman introduces himself, and then Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns says Monday Night Raw is the home of Kevin Owens. Reigns says Owens will need more than John Cena to take him out. Owens will need the entire locker room. The Bloodline is not going anywhere. They’ll make his life a living hell until he understands that everyone in the back and in the audience acknowledges him.

Backstage: Sami Zayn, Solo Sikoa, The Usos, Mustafa Ali

We go backstage to see Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, Solo Sikoa, and Sami Zayn beating on two guys. One is revealed to be Mustafa Ali, who receives a Samoan Spike from Sikoa.

A holiday-themed Raw video plays, and we go into the Wells Fargo Arena to see a big pyrotechnics display. The stage is decorated with Christmas trees and big gift boxes.

The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor & Damian Priest)

Montez Ford starts against Damian Priest. They lock up, and Priest quickly wrenches the arm. Ford gets out and leaps over Priest. Ford sidesteps a kick and chops away at Priest before punching away at him. Priest shoves him off, so Ford hits a dropkick. Ford hits the ropes, but Priest floors him with an uppercut. Priest throws Ford into the corner and stomps him down. Finn Bálor tags in and shoulders away at Ford.

We cut backstage to see The Usos, Solo Sikoa, and Sami Zayn beating
on two stagehands. The Usos give Sikoa a guitar, and he smashes it on
the back of one of them.

Back to in-ring action, Bálor fights off The Street Profits and tags Priest in. Priest attacks Ford and pounces him over the top rope.

We come back from the break to see Ford hit Bálor with a DDT. Dawkins
tags in and runs wild on Bálor. Priest runs in, but Dawkins hits him
with a spinebuster. Dawkins splashes Bálor in the corner and hits a
step-up enzuigiri. Dawkins hits the ropes, but Priest runs in and hits
South of Heaven. Ford then CRUSHES Priest with a frog splash! Bálor hits
La Magistral on Ford for a near fall. Ford fights back, but he’s soon
distracted. Ford flips through a back suplex, but Bálor comes back with a
wild Sling Blade. Bálor hits a Woo dropkick in the corner.

At ringside, Akira Tozawa approaches Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio with a red solo cup. Tozawa throws the liquid in Mysterio’s face after Ripley ducks. Mysterio, who was misted last week by Asuka, holds his eyes in pain. Bálor is furious. Ford rolls Bálor up for the victory.

Winner: The Street Profits via Pinfall.

A furious Rhea Ripley marches up the ramp and slaps Tozawa down before challenging him to a match! Tozawa looks confused.

The Street Profits are at ringside hyping up Tozawa. Tozawa looks conflicted, but he eventually takes his shirt off. The bell rings!

Akira Tozawa vs. Rhea Ripley

Tozawa slides into the ring and takes a kick from Ripley. Tozawa flips through a back suplex but won’t punch Ripley. She challenges him to punch her. Tozawa gets a waistlock applied, but she gets out, hits the ropes, and big boots him inside out for a near fall! Ripley stomps him down in the corner before taunting the crowd. Ripley whips him hard to the opposite corner. Ripley punches and forearms away at him. Ripley hooks a front facelock and goes for a suplex, but Tozawa blocks it. Ripley gets out of a suplex and hits a textbook vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley applies a rear chin lock. Tozawa fights up, but Ripley pulls him down by the hair. Ripley whips him to the opposite corner, but Tozawa (sort of) slingshots over her. Tozawa hits the ropes, but Ripley catches him. Tozawa counters into a roll-up, but she kicks out at two. Ripley brute forces him up for a powerbomb, but Tozawa counters into a hurricanrana that sends her out of the ring! Tozawa sets up for a dive, but Finn Bálor sweeps his feet! Bálor celebrates, but The Street Profits wipe him and Damian Priest out with dives!

In the ring, Tozawa gets out of the Riptide and sends Ripley into the ring post shoulder-first. Tozawa then boots Dominik Mysterio off the apron. Tozawa goes to the top rope for a diving senton splash, but Ripley moves! Ripley hits Tozawa with a Riptide for the win!

Winner: Rhea Ripley via Pinfall.

Backstage: Adam Pearce

WWE Official Adam Pearce is backstage leaving an angry voicemail on Paul Heyman’s phone. Cathy Kelley asks him about his confrontation with Bobby Lashley. Pearce says they will meet at WWE Headquarters and discuss it like men later in the week. Lashley will return to work. MVP walks up to him, but another official runs up and says there’s a situation. Pearce runs off.

Backstage: The O.C.

The O.C. makes their way to the ring.

Backstage: Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, Cedric Alexander, Adam Pearce

We go backstage to see Dolph Ziggler, Shelton Benjamin, and Cedric Alexander down on the ground. Ziggler gets to his feet and says The Bloodline did this. WWE Official Adam Pearce tries to get more information.

The Good Brothers (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs. Alpha Academy (Otis & Chad Gable)

Karl Anderson starts against Chad Gable. They lock up, and Gable takes him down with a snapmare. Gable rolls him around the mat a few times and covers for a one-count. Gable applies a side headlock and hits a takeover. Anderson fights up and applies a side headlock. Gable whips him off, but Anderson shoulder tackles him before hitting a hip toss. Gable comes back with an arm drag, but Anderson answers with one as well. Luke Gallows tags in, and The Good Brothers hit a double-team shoulder tackle. Gallows punches away at Gable in the corner. Anderson tags in, but Gable fights back. Anderson quickly gets control and tags Gallows. A “We want Otis” chant picks up, so Gable shooshes them. Gallows shouts that he’s a nerd. Otis tags in, and Gallows stuns him with a strike. Gallows takes him down with a running back elbow that sends him out of the ring. Anderson then gives Gable a back body drop over the top rope.

We return from the break to see Gable take Anderson down and apply a spinning toe hold. Andeson kicks him away and sends him to the corner. Gable leaps at him and takes him down for an ankle lock. Anderson rolls through and kicks him away. Gallows tags in and runs over Gable before attacking Otis. Gallows big boots Gable and sends him into the ropes. Otis blind tags in. Gallows hits Gable with a back body drop. Otis then levels Gallows with a clothesline. Otis avalanches him before lifting him. Gable tags in and jumps onto Otis, who gives Gallows a Compactor. Anderson breaks it up. Anderson and Otis clear out of the ring. Gable lands on his feet as he goes for a moonsault. Anderson quickly tags in, and The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer for the win.

Winner: The Good Brothers via Pinfall.

The O.C. celebrate in the ring before The Bloodline runs in and
attacks them! Anderson receives a 1D from The Usos. Gallows meets the
same fate.

WWE Official Adam Pearce makes his way to the ring with a bunch of producers.

In-Ring: The Usos, Sami Zayn

WWE Official Adam Pearce and the rest of the producers and security
are at ringside. The Usos get on the microphone and shout that they run
this business. Solo Sikoa is not in the ring with them. Sami Zayn says
the people have no problem with them. They have no problem with Sami Uso
and the Usologists. Zayn doesn’t appreciate Pearce rushing his dawgs.
They’re here to deliver a message. What they’ve seen tonight is a small
example of what will happen to John Cena and Kevin Owens when they face
Sami Zayn and Roman Reigns. Security gets on the apron, but Zayn says
they’re done. Jey Uso says everyone in the locker room is the twos, and
they’re the ones. The Bloodline leaves without further incident…

…until AJ Styles blindsides them with an attack on the ramp. The officials pull them apart.

Video: Alexa Bliss, Bianca Belair

Replays show Alexa Bliss winning a #1 Contender’s Match last week on Raw. After the match, Bray Wyatt’s logo flashed, causing Bliss to attempt Sister Abigail on Bianca Belair before coming to her senses.

Backstage: AJ Styles, Adam Pearce

A furious AJ Styles is blowing off steam backstage. WWE Official Adam Pearce says he’ll take on Sami Zayn later tonight.

Backstage: Alexa Bliss, Bianca Belair

Byron Saxton is backstage with Alexa Bliss and Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair. Belair says she doesn’t trust Bliss. Bliss says she can’t speak to what happened last week but can speak to what got her here. Bray Wyatt abducted her and turned her into an evil version of herself. Then he left her. She was broken and went to therapy and has become a shell of her former self. Being friends with Asuka and Belair caused her to realize she’s stronger, but she wants to keep building up and take the Raw Women’s Championship. Belair says she’s seen what Wyatt can do, but Bliss cuts her off. Bliss says this isn’t about him. Wyatt isn’t a threat to Belair, but she is. Saxton wraps up the interview. Wyatt’s logo flashes on the screen. As Belair walks away, Bliss smashes a flower vase over her head!

Alexa Bliss will battle Bianca Belair for the Raw Women’s Championship in two weeks.

Winner Takes All Ladder Match
The Miz vs. Dexter Lumis

A large bag of money is shown being raised above the ring. The Miz makes his way to the ring. The Winner Takes All Ladder Match is next.

The bell rings, and The Miz quickly gets out of the ring for a
ladder. Lumis crawls out of the ring and attacks Miz. Lumis gets Miz in
the ring and grabs a ladder. Lumis puts it on the apron, so Miz hits a
baseball slide into it to take Lumis down. Miz pulls the ladder into the
ring and sets up a spot before waiting for Lumis. Lumis bounces the
ladder into his face, which misses by a mile. They get into a tug-of-war
for the ladder. Lumis drives the ladder into Miz in the corner to break
it up. Lumis uppercuts Miz down and grabs the ladder. Lumis puts the
ladder in the corner on the ropes and drives Miz’s face into it. Lumis
wedges Miz in the corner between the ladder and attacks him. Lumis then
pulls him to the top rope and uses the ladder as a bridge to hit a
superplex. Lumis sets a ladder up in the middle of the ring. Miz is
seated in the corner. Lumis knocks the ladder over, but it doesn’t hit
Miz. Miz smiles, so Lumis dropkicks the ladder into Miz’s crotch.

Lumis puts another ladder in the ring. Lumis begins to climb, but Miz climbs up on the other side. Miz attacks him and grabs for the money. Lumis cuts him off and punches him down. Lumis grabs at the cash, but Miz cuts him off. Lumis stares at Miz. Miz punches him, but Lumis hooks the head and the arm. They then wiggle until the ladder knocks off. They fall into the ropes.

We come back from the break to see Miz grabbing for the money on the
ladder. Lumis cuts him off and rakes his face on top of the ladder. Miz
fights back and grabs for the money. Lumis punches away at the
midsection and knocks him down. Lumis reaches for the money, but Miz
knocks the ladder over. Miz sets the ladder up and quickly climbs up.
Miz reaches for the money, but Lumis grabs him. Lumis pulls him down and
goes for a vice. Miz pulls him to the apron and hits a neckbreaker.

Miz attacks Lumis at ringside with the ladder and sandwiches him in
it. Miz knocks another ladder over onto him and throws chairs onto him.
Miz goes under the ring and throws more chairs onto him. The crowd wants
tables, so Miz pulls one out before putting it back to loud boos.
Johnny Gargano yells at Miz, so Miz shoves him. Gargano goes for an
attack, but Miz takes him down and punches away at him. Miz then sends
Gargano into the LED barricade before driving a ladder into him. Gargano
is knocked over the barricade. Miz poses in victory. Miz goes back to
Lumis, but Lumis slams him onto a ladder.

A loud tables chant picks up. Lumis clears the commentary table to
loud applause. Lumis climbs a ladder and goes for a flying leg drop, but
Miz moves! Lumis explodes through the table! Miz pulls himself into the
ring and sets up a ladder. Miz is hobbling around. Miz pulls himself up
the ladder on one leg, but Lumis gets in the ring. Lumis punches Miz
down and bounces his face off the top of the ladder. Lumis shoves him
down to the canvas.

All of a sudden, Bronson Reed pulls Lumis down and avalanches him! Reed sets Lumis up and goes to the top rope. Reed hits a HUGE tsunami off the top rope. Reed sets the ladder up in the middle of the ring and pulls Miz inside. Reed helps Miz up the ladder. Miz grabs the money to win the match.

Winner: The Miz.

Backstage: Seth Rollins

Seth “Freakin” Rollins is doing his thing backstage.

AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn

AJ Styles furiously attacks Sami Zayn at the sound of the bell. Styles hits a backbreaker and knocks him out of the ring. Styles hits a forearm plancha and sets up for a Phenomenal Forearm. Zayn rolls away. Styles gets in the ring, and Zayn hits a flapjack into the top rope. Zayn whips him hard into the corner and sizes him up. Zayn attacks and chokes him on the ropes. Styles fights back with a pendulum backbreaker and a neckbreaker. Zayn gets out of the ring, so Styles crushes him with a sliding knee, followed by a moonsault off the apron into a reverse DDT on the floor! Styles gets Zayn in the ring for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Zayn shakes the ropes. Styles falls to the floor.

We come back from the break to see Zayn attacking Styles on the top
rope. Styles counters into a torture rack bomb for a near fall. Styles
sets up for a Styles Clash, but Zayn gets out. Zayn elbows out and
throws off a tornado DDT. Zayn boots him and hits a nasty brainbuster
for a near fall! Zayn punches away at Styles, but Styles takes him out
with an overhead kick.

Styles elbows Zayn back and goes for a moonsault into a DDT, but Zayn counters into an exploder into the turnbuckles. Zayn sets up for Styles, but Styles counters the Helluva Kick into a Calf Crusher! Zayn gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Solo Sikoa makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Styles attacks him as he comes over the barricade. Zayn attacks Styles. Styles bounces Zayn off the steps and the commentary table. Styles gets Zayn in the ring. The referee checks on Zayn. Sikoa hits Styles with a Samoan Spike. Zayn connects with the Blue Thunder Bomb for the victory.

Winner: Sami Zayn via Pinfall.

WWE Official Adam Pearce comes out and kicks Zayn and Sikoa out of the arena.

In-Ring: Seth Rollins, Austin Theory, The Usos, Kevin Owens, Adam Pearce

Seth “Freakin” Rollins makes his way to the ring in his home state. Rollins welcomes them to Monday Night Rollins. The Bloodline has attacked everyone but him. Monday nights don’t belong to Roman Reigns. They belong to Rollins.

United States Champion Austin Theory makes his way to the ring.
Theory gets in the ring, and the crowd chants that he sucks. Rollins
wants to be clear that Theory sucks. The crowd agrees. Theory says
nothing belongs to Rollins. Theory says Rollins said the United States
Championship is THE title on Raw, so the Champ is here! The Austin
Theory Era is forever. This is just the beginning. Whether Rollins likes
it or not, he’s going to pass the torch to Theory. He’ll take it from
his cold legendary fingers if he doesn’t.

Rollins sarcastically wishes Theory a Merry Christmas. Rollins tells
him to take it easy, or he’ll wind up like Bobby Lashley. Theory says
the only reason Rollins is standing here is that Lashley took his
frustrations out on officials rather than him. Just like for his whole
career, Rollins just got lucky. Rollins asks why he’s so angry. Rollins
puts him over a bit before saying he sucks. The crowd chants it. Rollins
says Theory has grown up. He’s not Mr. Selfie or Daddy’s Little Boy.
Theory is the United States Champion, but he’ll never be Rollins. Theory
says Rollins has had the ball and fumbled it many times, just like the
Bears. Theory isn’t going for the Rollins mountain. He’s going for
Everest. Maybe one day, Rollins will realize that he’s the third most
successful member of The Shield. Rollins says he has been to the
mountaintop, but Theory has it wrong. Rollins is the damn mountaintop.
Rollins is Everest. The title doesn’t make the man. The man makes the
title. Let’s find out what kind of man Theory is right here and now.

Rollins notices The Usos at ringside and says he’ll finish with
Theory later. Theory stands by Rollins and prepares to fight The Usos.
Theory then grabs his title and leaves Rollins with the Undisputed WWE
Tag Team Champions. Rollins attacks The Usos, but they quickly overwhelm
him. Kevin Owens’ music hits, and he charges down to the ring. Jimmy
Uso meets him at the foot of the ramp, but Owens sends him into the
barricade. Jey Uso attacks Owens getting in the ring, but Rollins joins
in and knocks Jey out of the ring. Rollins and Owens knock Jimmy away
and stand tall in the ring. WWE Official Adam Pearce and the security
team run down to kick The Usos out.

Rollins grabs a microphone and says it’s nice to see Owens. Owens says everyone wants to see him and Rollins kick their asses.

Backstage: Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch is backstage. Lynch says Bayley has been sending her lackeys to attack her and she attacks them. Lynch wants the best version of Bayley, which is Bayley on her own. They both have careers to be proud of and have done some things they’re not proud of. What bothers Lynch about Bayley taking her out for 4 months is that she didn’t do it on her own. If you’re going to stab someone in the back, at least hold the knife. What will it be? 1-on-1 or 3-on-1? Lynch will fall on her sword. Will Bayley?

Bayley vs. Becky Lynch

They lock up, and Lynch applies a waistlock. Bayley fights out, but Lynch wrenches the arm, bringing Bayley to her knees. Bayley quickly gets to the apron and wraps Lynch’s arm around the middle rope. Bayley clubs the back and whips her off. Bayley runs over Lynch with a shoulder tackle. They circle the ring, and Bayley kicks Lynch in the midsection. Lynch crawls in between the legs and rolls her up for a one-count. Lynch then shoves her. Bayley isn’t happy. Bayley hits the ropes, but Lynch hits an arm drag. Lynch kicks her and hits a diving shoulder tackle. Lynch connects with a clothesline before sending her into the ropes for a big boot. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Lynch comes off the apron with an ax handle and poses. Lynch gets on the apron and goes for a Manhandle Slam. Bayley counters and pulls her into the turnbuckles.

We return from the break to see Bayley take Lynch down for a
two-count. Lynch fights back and boots her down. They get to their feet
and start trading strikes. Lynch comes out on top and uses the ropes to
hit a big kick. Lynch connects with a Bexploder and sends Bayley into
the corner. Lynch kicks her and takes her down. Lynch goes to the ropes
and hits a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Bayley fights back and
hits a sliding lariat. Lynch quickly comes back with a reverse DDT for a
near fall.

Lynch attacks Bayley and hangs her on the ropes, but Bayley soon
moves. Lynch pulls her back in the ring, but Bayley hits Bayley-to-Belly
for a near fall. Bayley is furious. Bayley talks trash, so Lynch slaps
her. Bayley goes for the Rose Plant, but Lynch counters into an Angle
Slam. Lynch goes to the ropes, but Bayley cuts her off. Lynch counters
back with Diamond Dust for a near fall. Lynch grabs Bayley, but Bayley
rolls her up with her feet on the ropes. The referee catches her before
the three-count. Damage CTRL pulls Bayley out of the ring. Lynch hits a
baseball slide and threatens them. The referee ejects Damage CTRL from

Damage CTRL makes a big stink and argues with the referee. While the referee is distracted, Bayley hits Lynch in the back of the head with a TV monitor from the commentary table. Bayley hits a Rose Plant for the win.

Winner: Bayley via Pinfall.

Backstage: The Usos

The Usos are preparing backstage.

Backstage: Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens

Seth “Freakin” Rollins is preparing backstage when Kevin Owens walks up. Rollins says it’s good to get back together. Owens says Rollins tried to steal his WrestleMania spot the last time they teamed. Rollins denies this, but Owens says Rollins was wearing a nice bright suit. Rollins says it was nice, which reveals he remembered. Owens says it’s behind them now. Now it’s about taking out The Usos

Next Week’s Show Card Rundown

Next week, Raw will be a Best of 2022 clip show.

The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs. Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins

Before the bell rings, a brawl breaks out. Kevin Owens fights Jimmy Uso at ringside. Rollins attacks Jey Uso in the ring and bounces him off the turnbuckles. Before the order is restored, the referee rings the bell to start the match. Rollins punches away at Jey in the corner. Jey quickly hooks a side headlock, but Jey whips him off and hits a back elbow. Kevin Owens tags in and punches Jey. Owens hits an inverted atomic drop and hits a stiff clothesline. Jimmy Uso distracts Owens but is unsuccessful. Owens punches Jey in the face and takes him down. Owens talks a little trash. Jey sends him into the ropes, but Owens holds on and boots him back. Jimmy gets a cheap shot in. Jey then punches Rollins off the apron.

Back from the final break of 2022 on a live WWE Raw, Jimmy is taking it to Owens. Owens sidesteps an avalanche and hits a DDT.

Rollins and Jey tag in. Rollins runs over Jey with some clotheslines
and a Sling Blade. Rollins avalanches him with a running forearm.
Rollins hits a back suplex into a backbreaker for a two-count. Rollins
goes for a Stomp, but Jey moves and uppercuts him. Jimmy tags in, but
Rollins superkicks him. Jey drops Rollins on the apron, but Rollins
knocks him back. Rollins goes to the top rope and hits a diving
cross-body block on The Usos. Owens tags in, and he goes to the top
rope. At ringside, Jey hits Rollins with a superkick. In the ring, Owens
hits Jimmy with a frog splash for a near fall. Owens returns to the top
rope for a Swanton Bomb, but Jimmy gets the knees up.

Solo Sikoa makes his way to the ring, but Luke Gallows and Karl
Anderson attack them. Jey Uso wipes them out with a plancha. Rollins
takes out Jey and Sikoa with a somersault senton. Sikoa gets up, but
Rollins sends him into the ring post and hits Jey with a Stomp on the

In the ring, Jimmy has Owens on the top rope for a superplex. All of a sudden, at ringside, Austin Theory wipes out Rollins with a shot from the United States Championship. Owens knocks Jimmy away and runs into a superkick. Jimmy covers for a near fall. Jimmy goes to the top rope for a splash but lands on his feet when Owens moves. Jimmy gets out of a Stunner and goes for a superkick, but Owens blocks it and superkicks him. Owens goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Jimmy gets away. Jimmy cannot avoid the second attempt at the Pop-up Powerbomb, which is successful, and Owens covers for the victory!

Winner: Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins via Pinfall.

Kevin Owens celebrates in the ring before turning to see Sami Zayn.
Zayn stares at his former friend. Owens takes off his wrist tape. Zayn
smiles and leaves the ring. The crowd boos him. Owens stares at him as
the show comes to an end.


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