WWE Raw Results – July 4, 2022 – Becky Lynch vs. Asuka – TPWW


Results by Roy Nemer of Wrestleview.com

July 4, 2022
San Diego, CA – Pechanga Arena
Commentary: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves & Byron Saxton

Quick Match Results

  1. Rey & Dominik Mysterio defeated Damian Priest & Finn Balor by disqualification when Rey faked getting hit with a chair
  2. AJ Styles defeated The Miz via Phenomenal Forearm
  3. Bianca Belair & Liv Morgan defeated Natalya & Carmella via Ob-Liv-ion by Morgan on Natalya
  4. Seth Rollins defeated Ezekiel via the Stomp
  5. Six Man Tag Team Match: Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits defeated Theory & Alpha Academy via spear by Lashley on Gable
  6. Gunther defeated R-Truth via powerbomb
  7. No Holds Barred Match: Becky Lynch defeated Asuka via Manhandle Slam through a table

In-Ring: Bobby Lashley, Theory

WWE Raw kicks off with the new United States Champion Bobby Lashley walking down to the ring.

A loud “Bobby” chant by a lively crowd. He says he has been waiting for this moment for a long time. He welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw! Another loud “Bobby” chant as he says America’s Independence day holds a special day in their hearts. And he could not be more proud to be standing in front of the WWE Universe as the new United States Champion. Lashley says it’s not the title that makes the man, it’s the man that makes the title.

Lashley says there is not another man in any division or any promotion that can beat him for this United States Championship. Theory’s music hits and out comes the new Money in the Bank winner.

He asks why he gets to kick off Raw. Lashley got the victory but the world is talking about the youngest Money in the Bank in WWE history. And he had the odds stacked against him. It was hard work for him. The fans chant “You suck” as Theory laughs at them. Lashley tells him they are talking to Theory. He says he was in there against veterans, former Money in the Bank winners but he made it happen.

Theory says Lashley had him in the second half but just like Michael Jordan, like Tom Brady, both of them combined, he shined brighter than they did in the clutch. He climbed the ladder, grabbed the briefcase and proved to the world that he can do this all day. Lashley thought that Theory was actively trying to be an arrogant jackass but he was wrong because this is just second nature to him.

Lashley asks him if he realized that he got gifted a spot in that match because he got shattered into tiny pieces. Theory tells him tonight he will get to attempt and fail in their six man tag team match. Theory says he is always making it happen. But the way he sees it, he is going straight to the top with the briefcase. And he was informed today that at SummerSlam, he is going to get a rematch and he will get to take back his United States Championship. The fans boo as Theory says that is just the start of his SummerSlam plans.

Brock Lesnar will take on Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. And whoever is the last man standing is going A-Town down. And at only 24 years old, he will cash in his Money in the Bank contract and he will walk out of Nashville as the undisputed, unrivaled champion in WWE history.

Lashley tells him that is if he makes it to SummerSlam. It’s Independence Day and these people deserve some fireworks. Theory throws the briefcase onto Lashley and hits him with it. Theory backs away and runs towards Lashley but Lashley picks him up and throws him onto the mat. Theory rolls out of the ring.

Rey & Dominik Mysterio vs. Damian Priest & Finn Balor

Back from commercial, an arm drag by Dominik onto Balor. Priest is tagged in and right hands by Priest. Dominik to the ropes and a back elbow by Dominik. A dropkick by Dominik as Priest runs towards Dominik but Dominik lowers the top rope and Priest to the outside. Rey is tagged into the match and a sitting senton onto Priest on the outside. Rey throws Priest into the ring. He knocks Balor off the ring apron. Rey about to jump off the top rope but a right hand by Priest. He throws Rey in the corner and right hands by Priest and Balor is tagged in. Balor lifts Rey up but a Rey lands on his feet and a kick to the side of the head. Dominik is tagged in and a cross body off the top roe. Dominik knocks Priest off the top rope. Balor runs towards Dominik and Dominik trips him up. Priest is tagged in. Dominik goes for the 619 but Priest with a right hand. Dominik to the outside and Priest throws Dominik into the barricade.

Back from commercial, Rey with a dropkick onto Priest. Kicks by Rey followed by a tornado DDT. He goes for the cover but Priest kicks out. Rey climbs the top rope and a seated senton onto Priest. He goes for the cover but Balor breaks it up. Dominik with a superkick onto Balor. Priest with a big boot onto Dominik. Priest on the second rope and Dominik throws Rey onto Priest and Rey with a hurricanrana. He goes for the cover but Priest kicks out. Rey with a dropkick onto Priest. He goes for the 619 but Priest with a big boot. Priest with a big boot onto Dominik. Priest lifts Rey up and Balor is tagged in. Priest slams Rey onto the mat. Balor goes for the Coup de Grace but Rey moves out of the way. Rey trips Balor, Dominik with a dropkick onto Priest. Rey and Dominik with a double 619 onto them. Rey climbs the top rope, he goes for a frog splash onto Balor but Balor gets his knees up. Balor goes for the cover but Rey kicks out. Priest throws two chairs into the ring. The referee is distracted as Balor grabs a chair. Balor turns around, Rey fakes getting hit by the chair as he drops onto the mat with the referee turning around. The referee thinks Balor hit Rey with the chair and he calls for the bell.

Winners: By disqualification, Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Backstage: The Miz

Megan is backstage with The Miz. He says he is proud that Logan is going after him. Logan Paul draws attention every time he talks and it’s how he has built his fan base. However, he surrounds himself with yes men and women. And it’s successful for him but in WWE, it’s a different animal. And it will humble him. He knows, he came from outside fame when he came here. And he does not want him to make the same mistakes he did when he got there. He says he is a nice guy and asks Logan to retract his statement. He says they can become WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions but if he doesn’t accept his offer, he will be relentless. He will make him earn everything and he will be humbled.

Miz says he didn’t quit last week and he doesn’t like jokes. Megan says it all started when it was said he has small… But The Miz cuts her off. He says tonight he will show everyone he has American Supersized balls.

Segment: The Street Profits, Chad Gable & Otis

We see a clip of earlier outside where The Street Profits were throwing a 4th of July party. Ford says just like his shoulder at Money in the Bank, the United States of America is Up and they… But as they are talking, Gable and Otis interrupt them. Gable tells Montez to spare him the excuses, he lost. And now they are out here partying.

Gable says he requires absolute silence as he prepares to read his own version of the Declaration of Independance. Ford mocks him and slaps Gable. Otis says he can’t interrupt an American hero while he says he is a hot dog eating champion. Dawkins says he is a three time hot dog eating contest. Ford asks everyone who wants to see a hot dog eating contest.

Backstage: Rey & Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest & Finn Balor

We cut backstage, Rey and Dominik Mysterio are walking as Priest and Balor attack them from behind. They throw Dominik into a ladder as WWE officials break it up.

AJ Styles vs. The Miz

The bell rings and we are under way. A shoulder tackle by AJ followed by kicks. A chop to the chest by AJ onto Miz in the corner. AJ runs towards Miz but Miz with a knee knocking him down. A left hand by Miz. He throws AJ to the ropes but AJ rolls him up as Miz kicks out. AJ with a clothesline onto the Miz and Miz over the top rope and onto the outside. AJ jumps over the top rope and onto Miz on the outside.

Back from commercial, AJ with a splash in the corner. AJ goes for the cover but Miz kicks out. AJ goes for the calf crusher but the Miz rolls out of it and he hits AJ with a DDT. He goes for the cover but AJ kicks out. Miz runs towards AJ but AJ kicks him away and goes to the ring apron. AJ with the Phenomenal Forearm. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: AJ Styles

Ciampa attacks AJ Styles from behind as AJ is celebrating. He runs towards AJ but AJ moves out of the way and he hits Ciampa with an overhead kick. AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Miz hits AJ with the Skull Crushing Finale. Ciampa and Miz shake hands.

In-Ring: Liv Morgan, Natalya, Carmella, Bianca Belair

The new WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion Liv Morgan comes down to the ring. The fans chant “You deserve it” as she thanks them and says “we deserve it”. Liv says she is proud to be standing as the new SmackDown Women’s Champion. She says all of her dreams came true at Money in the Bank. She says to out climb six of the greatest female competitors in the hardest battle of her life but what got her through that was all of them.

Liv says the fans stood with her on her journey every step of the way. They believed in her even when sometimes she gave them nothing to believe in and they still believed. Liv says they gave her confidence. The confidence that she needed to win Money in the Bank and cash in her contract the same night to defeat Ronda Rousey to become the new SmackDown Women’s Champion. Liv says this Championship is not just for her but for everyone.

Out comes Natalya. She says she is the only reason Liv was able to cash in her Money in the Bank contract. And that is because she destroyed Ronda’s knee in the most dangerous submission in WWE, the sharpshooter. Liv says she feels like she has a hard time accepting that she lost to Ronda and since she is the new Champion, it makes sense that she would come after the giant target on her back. But since they will be sharing a locker room together on SmackDown, if she wants a chance for her titles, she knows where to find her.

Carmella asks why they are there and she tells them to take their blue butts and go to SmackDown where they belong. She says she is shocked that the two of them can share a ring because if Liv came between her and the Raw Women’s Championship, she would smack her down just like she did to Bianca Belair. She tells Natalya there is still time and to take her business with Liv to SmackDown and she leaves the ring and spotlight to her. The net Raw Women’s Champion.

Liv says all eyes were on her when she lost to Bianca at Money in the Bank. And if she really wants her out of this ring, to make her get out. Carmella says that gives her a good idea. She asks Natalya if she is thinking what she is thinking. Carmella says they’ll both make her. Liv with right hands on Natalya and Carmella but they end up double teaming her.

Out comes Bianca Belair. She stomps on Carmella in the corner as Liv throws Natalya to the outside of the ring.

Out comes Adam Pearce and says that since they all want to fight, it will be a tag team match tonight.

Bianca Belair & Liv Morgan vs. Natalya & Carmella

Back from commercial break, a drop kick by Bianca onto Carmella. Liv is tagged in as they double team Carmella in the corner. Liv goes for the cover but Carmella kicks out. Natalya is tagged in. She takes Liv down but Liv with a head lock. Liv goes for a bulldog but Natalya slams her onto the mat. Natalya goes for the cover but Liv kicks out. Both women on their feet, Liv rolls Natalya up but Natalya kicks out. Both women with right hands as Natalya drops Liv. She gets Liv in the sharpshooter as Bianca extends her hair onto Liv and Liv uses it like a rope to get to Bianca and make the tag. Bianca with a drop kick onto Natalya.

Natalya makes the tag to Carmella as Bianca lands a vertical suplex onto Natalya and she falls to the outside. Bianca about to go through the ropes as Carmella kicks her head first into the ring post.

Back from commercial, Bianca with a back breaker onto Carmella. Natalya is tagged in as Bianca is slow to make the tag. Natalya throws Bianca in the corner and stomps on her. Bianca with an elbow onto Carmella. Natalya runs towards Bianca but Bianca throws her to the outside of the ring. Liv is tagged in and a kick to the side of the head onto Natalya.

Liv with a knee to the face followed by the double knees. She goes for the cover but Carmella breaks it up. Liv with the double knees onto Carmella and Natalya with a clothesline onto Liv. She goes for the cover but Bianca breaks it up. Carmella throws Bianca to the outside of the ring. Carmella jumps off the ring apron but Bianca catches her. Carmella pushes Bianca into the ring post. Carmella on the ring apron and Liv with a knee to the face. Natalya rolls her up from behind but Liv kicks out. Liv pushes Natalya onto the ropes and she hits her with the Ob-Liv-ion. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan

Segment: Ezekiel, Seth Rollins, The Street Profits

We cut to earlier today and the BBQ the Street Profits were throwing. Omos and MVP are talking as Dana Brooke is being chased for her 24/7 title. Reginald bumps onto Otis and Otis throws him away. Ezekiel is with the Street Profits. Ezekiel is about to put ketchup on his hotdog but accidentally squirts it onto Seth Rollins who is wearing a white shirt. Ezekiel wipes some of the ketchup off with the hot dog bun.

Seth laughs as they all start to laugh and Seth put on a straight face. He walks away.


A cryptic video airs, the same one from Money in the Bank.

Seth Rollins vs. Ezekiel

The bell rings and we are under way. Seth with right hands as he stomps on Ezekiel in the corner. A chop to the chest by Seth but Ezekiel sends Seth into the turnbuckle and he hits Seth with a German suplex. Seth rolls to the outside as Ezekiel follows him but Seth back into the ring. Seth with a neckbreaker. He goes for the cover but Ezekiel kicks out. Right hands by Seth followed by a chop to the chest. Seth throws Ezekiel to the corner but Ezekiel kicks Seth away. Ezekiel with right hands. Ezekiel throws Seth to the ropes as he lifts him up and drop him onto the mat. Ezekiel with a chop to the chest.

Ezekiel lifts Seth up but Seth lands on his feet. Seth runs towards Ezekiel but Ezekiel throws him to the outside of the ring. Ezekiel lifts Seth up and throws him into the timekeeper area.

Back from commercial, Ezekiel with a suplex onto Seth in the ring. Eekiel with a clothesline. Ezekiel with a splash in the corner. He places Seth on his shoulders but Seth lands on his feet. Seth runs to the ropes but Ezekiel with a spinebuster. He goes for the cover but Seth kicks out. Ezekiel goes for another splash but Seth moves out of the way. Seth climbs the second rope, he jumps but Ezekiel hits him with a knee to the face. Ezekiel goes for the cover but Seth kicks out. Ezekiel climbs the top rope but Seth with a right hand. Seth on the top rope, he goes for a superplex but Ezekiel slides under him. Ezekiel gets Seth on his shoulders, he spins around and slams Seth. He goes for the cover but Seth kicks out. Both men with right hands Ezekiel rolls Seth up but Seth kicks out. Both men back up and Seth with a right hand. Ezekiel with a backslide but Seth kicks out. Seth with the Stomp. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Seth goes for another Stomp but Riddle hits him with an RKO out of nowhere.

Segment: Hot Dog Eating Contest

We cut to the hot dog eating contest. The camera is on Angelo Dawkins and Otis. The referee says the winner is Akira Tozawa. All three men are sitting as Theory walks in and tells them they have a six man tag team match.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Bobby Lashley & The Street Profits vs. Theory & Alpha Academy

The bell rings and we are under way. Dawkins and Theory start the match. A shoulder tackle by Theory onto Dawkins. Theory grabs Dawkins but Dawkins throws him into the turnbuckle. Dawkins with a spinning splash. He grabs Theory but Theory pushes him into the corner and Otis is tagged in. A clothesline by Otis and Gable is tagged in. A leg take down by Gable.

He grabs Dawkins and another leg take down. An ankle lock on Dawkins but Dawkins gets out of it and Ford is tagged in. Ford with a cross body off the top rope. Ford with a clothesline followed by a standing moonsault. He goes for the cover but Gable kicks out. Otis gets in the ring but he is thrown to the outside. In comes Theory but Lashley drops him face first. Lashley and Ford with double vertical suplexes onto Theory and Gable. Dawkins with a senton over the top rope onto the Alpha Academy and Theory.

Back from commercial, Otis with a splash on Ford in the corner. Theory is tagged in and they double team Ford. A snap mare by Theory as he goes for the cover but Ford kicks out. A head lock by Theory but Ford with a DDT. Ford goes for the tag on Dawkins but Gable trips Dawkins on the outside. Dawkins chases Gable but Otis hits him with a clothesline on the outside of the ring. Lashley is tagged in as he runs after Theory but Theory makes the tag to Gable. Lashley throws Gable into the ring. He throws him across the ring.

Lashley lifts Gable up and slams him onto the mat. Lashley goes for a right hand on Theory and Otis but they jump to the outside. Dawkins runs and pushes Theory over the announce table. Lashley with a running powerslam onto Gable. He goes for the cover but Otis breaks it up. Ford runs to the ring but Otis throws him to the outside. Lashley with a spear on Otis. Ford on the top rope and a frog splash onto Otis. Gable with a release German suplex onto Ford.

Gable with a suplex onto Lashley. Gable with a moonsault off the top rope onto Lashley. He goes for the cover but Lashley kicks out. Gable runs towards Lashley but Lashley moves out of the way. Lashley hits him with the spear. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winners: Bobby Lashley and the Street Profits

Otis gets in the ring after the match and he pukes in the ring.

Backstage: Becky Lynch

Megan is backstage with Becky. She says no one cares about Otis, this is about her. Becky says she is upset, her body is broken into bits and she is mad. Since Asuka has came back, everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. It should have been a one on one against Bianca Belair at Hell in a Cell. She should not have had to qualify for the Money in the Bank. Asuka gets what she wants and she gets a No Holds Barred match. She says she is ready for Asuka but she isn’t ready for No Holds Barred Becky.

Gunther vs. R-Truth

Out comes R-Truth dressed as Uncle Sam. R-Truth says they have to get some USA chants as the fans chant “USA” and R-Truth introduces himself as Uncle Sam. He says today is his favorite holiday. Today, they celebrate their independence day. As they all know from the movie Independence Day, today they are here to honor the brave American heroes that saved the earth from the alien invasion in 1996. He says he would like to read his favorite passage from the constitution. He reads “Welcome to Earth”.

Ludwig Kaiser shows up on stage and says if they are done with the ridiculous charade, his name is Ludwig Kaiser and he is here to introduce everyone to Gunther. Kaiser and Gunther get into the ring. The fans chant “USA” as R-Truth goes one on one with Gunther. A referee gets in the ring.

The bell rings and we are under way. Gunther with a boot to the face. He grabs R-Truth and R-Truth with right hands but Gunther with a clothesline. Gunther with a power bomb. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Gunther

Backstage: Alexa Bliss

Sara is backstage with Alexa. She tells Sara that she has no friends in WWE but she is happy for Liv and she thinks it’s time for her to get some gold. In comes Asuka speaking in Japanese. She says she will defeat Becky Lynch tonight and walks away.

No Holds Barred Match
Becky Lynch vs. Asuka

Becky grabs a table from under the ring and Asuka comes down to the ring with a trash can. Becky has placed several steel chairs on the outside of the ring. The bell rings and we are under way. Asuka throws the trash can at Becky. She goes for the cover but Becky kicks out. Asuka grabs a steel chair and hits Becky across the back with it. Asuka to the outside of the ring as she grabs another chair. Asuka gets in the ring but Becky slows her down with a kick. Becky places a chair in the turnbuckle. Asuka with a forearm to the head.

Asuka places a chair in the middle of the ring. Asuka gets Becky in the corner, Asuka jumps onto the chair and hits her with a dropkick. Asuka slams Becky’s face into the steel chair. Becky on the ring apron. Asuka to the outside as she grabs Becky but Becky with a kick and she hits Asuka with a leg drop. Becky with a suplex onto the chairs on the outside. Becky clears the announce table. Becky hits Asuka with a steel chair and Asuka hits Becky with a chair. Becky with a chair in her hands as Asuka hits her with a hip attack and they go through the barricade.

Back from commercial, Becky hits Asuka with a chair. Becky climbs the top rope but Asuka gets up and hits Becky with a chair. Asuka climbs the second rope and she suplexes Becky off the top rope onto a stack of chairs in the ring. Asuka goes for the cover but Becky kicks out. Asuka places the trash can on Becky’s head and she kicks Becky in the head.

Asuka with right hands. Asuka climbs the top rope and she hits Becky with a drop kick. Asuka goes for the cover but Becky kicks out. Asuka to the outside of the ring as she grabs a table from under the ring. Becky to the outside and she throws Becky into the ring steps. Becky places the table in the ring.

Asuka gets in the ring and hits Becky from behind but Becky with a right hand. Becky hits Asuka with a chair across the back. Becky on the ring apron but Asuka with a right hand onto the outside. Asuka throws Becky back into the ring. Asuka looks under the ring and grabs an umbrella. Asuka hits Becky with the umbrella but Becky grabs the umbrella. Asuka goes for the green mist but Becky partially blocks it with the umbrella. Asuka places Becky on the table and climbs the top rope. Becky gets up and a right hand onto Asuka. Becky climbs the second rope and she hits Asuka with the Man Handle Slam through the table. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Becky Lynch


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